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Mental Health America

Mental Health America is a national organization that focuses on helping people struggling with their mental health get help and learn more about mental health both generally and in more specific topics. The website has check-in quizzes, characteristic sheets, and more.

Their Site
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National Institute for Mental Health

The Nation Institute for Mental Health focuses on researching and educating on various mental health issues.

Their Site
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Historically Black Colleges and Universities Center of Excellence in Behavioral Health

This program recruits students to careers in the behavioral health field to address mental and substance use disorders, providing training that can lead to careers in the behavioral health field, and/or preparing students for obtaining advanced degrees in the behavioral health field.

More information here
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Early Childhood Mental Health Programs

This program promotes the wellness of young children, from birth to 8 years of age, by addressing the social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioral aspects of their development, preparing young children to thrive in school and beyond.

More information here

"You yourself, just as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."

- Sharon Salzburg